
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stop the Madness

Europe is in the midst of an undeniable economic collapse.  

  • In May 2010, Europe was going to save Greece to prevent the "problems" from spreading into Ireland and Portugal.  
  • In August 2010, Europe decided to save Ireland, Portugal, and provide more to Greece to stop the problem from spreading.  
  • In early 2011, Europe starting buying Italian and Spanish bonds in addition to Portuguese, Irish, and Greek bonds to stop the spread of the "problem" into Italy and Spain.  
  • In July, they increased the effort to save Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Greece so the "problem" wouldn't spread to the banks.  
  • Now, in October, they are going to save Dexia and the banks and Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Greece, to save the world.
It is not too late for Europe to stop the madness.  Let Greece default.  Let Portugal and Ireland negotiate on their debt.  Let some weak banks (even large weak banks) fail. Then provide the support and aid needed to rebuild and stabalize those institutions that have the capacity and infrastructure to grow and succeed. Create new institutions where necessary to safeguard and protect the people - this is what its is all about anyways, isn't it?  Finally, learn the lessons from the past and remember them so we don't (and can't) make the same mistakes again.

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